Renowned as "Gabimaru the Hollow," the most formidable shinobi of Iwagakure faced the death penalty. However, driven by a desire to reunite with his wife, Yui, he embarks on a quest alongside Sagiri in search of the elixir of life.
Renowned as "Gabimaru the Hollow," the most formidable shinobi of Iwagakure faced the death penalty. However, driven by a desire to reunite with his wife, Yui, he embarks on a quest alongside Sagiri in search of the elixir of life.
A mysterious young girl travels alongside Hoko, a tree-like entity. Her celestial form, resembling a One-Winged Angel, surpasses the other Tensen in beauty. Despite being the second oldest, she retains a youthful appearance due to her size, which minimise her power from harming others.
The daughter of the Yamada Clan's leader, possesses unmatched swordsmanship but wrestles with moral qualms about killing. Despite her exceptional skill, she holds the lowest rank, 12th, in the Ittō-Ryū School due to her gender. Tasked as Gabimaru's executioner.
An Kunoichi (female ninja) from mysterious origins faced execution for infiltrating a castle and assassinating its daimyo. Becoming an early ally to Gabimaru and Sagiri on the island, she exhibits an overly affectionate demeanor towards all.
One of the Tensen (heavenly immortal), specialising in breathing techinque and affiliated with the water element. Despite a childish disposition, she perceives eliminating intruders as an irksome duty. She possesses the ability to partially transform between male and female.
A wandering swordsman, condemned to death for defying a daimyo (feudal lord) Disbelieving his claim of slaying a real dragon, the daimyo mocked him, leading to the destruction of the dragon plaque and the entire gate.